Tuesday 22 February 2011

the Pyramids (part 2 of 2 )

Pyramid of Khafre

The pyramid of King (Khafra - dealing shine Ra) and temples to see a full model of the pyramid clearly the place of burial and the valley temple and temple rituals, as in the picture shown.
The height of the pyramid of Khafre, 136 m and 210 m along the base but it appears comparable to the Great Pyramid in height or higher than that due to construction on the hill a bit high for it.
Was the name of the priests on the pyramid (t Khafra) great sense of Khafre and clearly see the remnants of the outer part of the clothing on top of the pyramid and also granite cladding at the base. 
Shows the pyramid, and beside him a temple to their establishment of religious ceremonies, and the causeway linking the temple rituals and a length of about 500 meters and the valley temple of King Khafre and reach the height and facade of the temple valley about 13 m and coated granite and the temple has two entrances from the east are symbolic to the north and south and is accessed to the temple through a canal connected to the River Nile and ends of this channel in Marsa.
And is in this temple to receive the king during his visit to oversee the construction of the pyramid or to receive visitors and delegations after the death of the king to make offerings. 

And bottom of the pyramid of Khafre Valley Temple, 500 of the pyramid next to the Sphinx
 Valley Temple of King Khafre, from the inside
 And had been found inside the valley temple of King Khafre, the statue of the diorite is now in the Egyptian Museum and see his image on the paper currency category ten pounds and said that President Nasser was not out of this statue from Egypt. And currently resides in this temple is small foci promoted by some that if someone threw a piece of money and hope they achieve security and, of course, guards last day to collect these currencies different from the well. 
Pyramid of Menkaure

the meaning of his name (rest during the lives of Ra) and a height of the original 66 meters and Currently 62 meters but the temples it does not end built in his reign and completed by his successor, King Cbsskaf and had found the sarcophagus of King Menkaure, made of basalt in the burial chamber and lying Now that the coffin at the bottom of the Bay of Biscay, where sank the ship, which was moving from Masraly England. Of course, it was said at the time of the curse of the Pharaohs .......