Monday 21 February 2011

the Pyramids (part 1 of 2 )

There is in Egypt now almost 104 Pyramid spread between Giza and even Nubia and almost as it is known that the pyramids were the graves of some of the pharaohs of Egypt, but why they chose the pyramid specifically for the construction of tombs and how they have evolved the idea of building the pyramid and other questions which need our introduction to clarify these questions.
Being the River Nile in Egypt as it is known from south to north and divides Egypt into eastern and western halves, and the ancient Egyptians had lived on the banks of the River Nile and began to establish their civilization on the side and begins the history of Egypt from 3200 BC and is the beginning of a knowledge writing to the Egyptians, either before it is called prehistoric times and since the early times I think the ancient Egyptian in the idea of resurrection after death and life again in another world and came this idea of observation of nature and what is repeated, such as the sun and the flooding of the Nile River, which repeated every year at the same time and culture, which grows again after harvest. And I think the ancient Egyptian life is that the Middle West, while generating means death, as the sun each day from the Middle and die in the West, from this point, we find that all the pyramids of Egypt as tombs and even the tombs of the ancient Egyptians all located west of the Nile with the sole exception of approx. Since the outset, was the burial is in a hole oval shape with a few pots simple inside with the deceased for use in the other world, and if the deceased is buried in the fetal position in the mother's abdomen in order to facilitate the process of birth again, and the face is a vector of the East, and with the passage of time began to widen the hole and that evolved to become a room or two rooms with increased tools developed inside the brick walls and building development and increased thereafter to reach the brick building above-ground rooms and the top of this is what is called Palmsdoba. 

The form of a terrace of two degrees

And with the beginning of the Third Dynasty 2780-2680 BC. M appeared Pyramid for the first time of King Djoser at Saqqara, and thanks to the construction of the engineer genius Imhotep, and the meaning of his name (the next in peace), and received by Imhotep, the tribute he wrote King Djoser his name on the base of his statue Royal, who is currently in the Egyptian Museum in a precedent has not been repeated in ancient Egyptian history to write the name of the ordinary person on the statue of the king. This was the first time you use the stones in the construction, and is worth mentioning that the pyramid, which is the burial place of the king is associated with a group of architectural elements and the other representing a funeral for the deceased king.

A general view shows the total of the funeral of King Djoser and Pyramid.

 As for the idea of the pyramid in particular has been associated with pyramidal shape with his idea of the emergence of the universe and thought as well, according to some writings and texts religious that the pyramid is a means to help the spirit of the deceased in the access to heaven with the god Ra. And you can sometimes see sunlight between clouds, is take the form of pyramid too, and was also among the many ways that can help them to ascend to heaven. See also Figure pyramid top obelisks and some of the graves of small mines in southern Egypt, even when he thought the kings of the modern state of building cemeteries on the mainland west in the Valley of the Kings and clicked on the soles of the mountain to protect it from theft did not give up the pyramid, which was the representative at the top of the mountain the same and normal.

 Landscape illustrates the form of rays of the sun between the clouds

Pyramid of Saqqara 

Called the Saqqara region attributed to the Soccer Idol cowardly god when the ancient Egyptians. Imhotep, and has begun in this area build a cemetery Almellk Djoser in the form of a bench and wanted to have the luxury that distinguishes it from other stones and granite used in the construction of the burial chamber, which extends to a depth of 28 meters below the surface of the ground beneath the bench and then edit the design and Bmsdoba rose above the other and a third until he arrived at six degrees and a height of 60 meters along the base of the pyramid is about 130 meters were all from the outside coated with limestone white, and had been found inside the catacombs and corridors of the pyramid on the more than 40 thousand of pottery and alabaster and schist, and others, The ABG Ganasais of King include the addition to the Step Pyramid is also home to the North and another for the south, as the king of Egypt is the king of the north and south together and also include a temple to make offerings for the deceased king and the temple of the funereal rituals and burial, and there is also room next to the pyramid called the basement room by a statue of King Djoser, this statue is a testament to the spirit until you identify the body again.

And with the beginning of the Fourth Dynasty in 2680 BC, began attempts to build a pyramid full in the area Dahshur near Saqqara in the reign of King Senefru but there was an error in the estimation of the angle of construction came obtuse slightly 54 degrees and at a height of 48 meters almost started some of the walls of the pyramid's internal cracking Vqll Engineer Building angle to 43 degrees and reached full height to 101 meters, and appeared in as in the picture and now renamed the pyramid Refractor or twisted. And the second is the Bent Pyramid at Dahshur is also the first true pyramid was built in Msriz angle of 43 degrees and almost 99 meters high, and clothing was white limestone pyramids. 

 Pyramids of Giza

The Great Pyramid (Khufu)

One of the seven wonders of the world and occupies an area of 13 acres and the original height of 146 meters and is currently almost 137 m and along the rib base 230 meters. As for the weights of cut stones range between tons and eight tons or more. The owner of King Khufu's pyramid is 2650 BC. M, the abbreviation for the name (Khanom Wei Wei F) in the sense god Khnum to protect me. But do you imagine that this king, the author of this construction giant did not find him, except on the statue of one very small grow to 7.5 cm approximately and of later times, where the king to prevent at this time to establish or carving any statues, where we have not found the statues of large-scale In this period, only one statue and was hidden in the tomb of Prince Ra-hotep and his wife and perhaps the king wanted to start his own statues in preventing the establishment. 

The only statue of King Khufu is made of ivory length of not more than 7,5 cm and found a broken head and the authors observed that the exploration drilling and fracture Nohatoa Mounth interview, which was found and where the workers culling the sand for 14 days until they found on the head. Building the Great Pyramid took almost twenty years and building corridors and the lower parts of the pyramid ten years and that, according to the Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the fourth century BC, after more than 2000 years of building the pyramid and heard these stories and other Some priests and narrators. Cut stones used in building the Great Pyramid from the area surrounding the pyramid, and stones cover the outside of the area of Jabal Tura stones and granite used in the inner rooms of the quarries of Aswan and they come out through the River Nile, which was up to the pyramids at the time. Stones were cut and separated from each other through work at distances of closely spaced holes in the stone pieces to be cut and then may be some wooden pegs and the ways it put the water with them and drink more water, wood grown in size in a piece of stone and with the persistence of them separated from the some of which is then refined and refined by using a stronger type of stone such as granite or diorite. Ancient Egyptians used - and as in the image - through the sand to build the pyramids where placed cut stones on the flip flops, wooden, bottom of palm trunks tables work Kajlat and is withdrawn skis ropes and oxen with spraying water on the sand to facilitate the process of withdrawal, and the greater the height increased in the sand until the top of the pyramid is then Apparel pyramid limestone smooth from top to bottom and remove the sand gradually.

It is believed that this road sand around the pyramid was either in one direction or in a circle around the pyramid in full. And Some believe that the idea of using the sand and removed again after the construction of the pyramid is an achievement in itself may exceed the completion of building the pyramid itself, as it requires a meter height of not less than ten meters length and thus the length of the sandy road in the direction one almost of 1460 meters, kilometers and a half ago and is of course a very difficult, and indeed structures of bone, which has been found for workers next to the pyramids shows some distortions in the backbone a result of heavy loads. It is worth mentioning the idea in the sandy road that he had discovered the remains of this method were used to build a High-rise edifices Temple of Luxor.

Change the interior design of the pyramid more than once they started development of the burial chamber below ground, such as the pyramid of Saqqara and then moved to lap the second is now called the name of the Queen's Bedroom and finally transferred to the cabin of existing and established engineer above five small rooms finished higher, including the roof shaped like a triangle in order to alleviate The weight of the stones of the pyramid on the burial chamber.

Form showing the determination of the burial chamber and above rooms to ease the weight on the burial chamber

Also see the main entrance of the pyramid takes a shape of a triangle also to distribute the weight of the stones and mitigate the entrance is now closed and the current entrance to the pyramid was opened in the reign of Caliph al-Mamun dynamite, believing the existence of the treasures inside the pyramid.

The main entrance of the pyramid, the largest and below the current entrance.

 Interestingly, as well as the Muhammad Ali of Egypt, 1805-1841 AD, Think of the demolition of the Great Pyramid and the use of stones in the construction of barrages of charitable and other buildings, but they found that the cost of bringing a new Stone cheaper and easier than the demolition of the pyramid and the transfer of stones again, and has been used already some of the stones from the pyramids of different building some of the mosques and buildings in Egypt, where we sometimes see some hieroglyphic inscriptions in the Islamic buildings in the street of goats and walls of Cairo, and others. Remember novels that the number of workers was nearly one hundred thousand workers and the workers were splitting up into permanent work throughout the year in construction and seasonal workers and farmers are already and they work construction period flooding of the Nile where there is no agriculture in that period. And has found homes and cemeteries for the workers next to the Pyramids of Giza and the food the main depends on the bread and drink beer (Bzmsnua of Alsaireetm placed in water or milk until it fermented and contains this mixture on the percentage of natural antibiotics), while Remember the recent discovery that the number of workers was in the range of 20 thousand workers and that the only food was meat and cows are slaughtered daily. Strange about the Great Pyramid also that despite the very large size, it was attributed to the king Cheops, quoting the ancient and especially Herodotus and did not find what refers to King Khufu, but in the 19 century where he found (the year 17 of the reign of King Cheops) written in red ink three o'clock in the roof of the cabin above the burial chamber and it seems to have started by a worker during the construction of the pyramid.
And has been building the Great Pyramid so that the faces and facades four cardinal points and proved to be stones to each other by the vacuum between them, and perhaps through the work of several openings or holes in a piece of stone and holes similar to it at the front of the piece the other to be attracted to Lakett be These holes are facing in the same place is a dump and air them, which leads to cohesion force (the idea of vacuum in rubber adhesive, which sticks to the glass). And there are even now remains of the temple of King Khufu Ganazy in the eastern part of the pyramid, the Valley Temple and there are bad fat under the area near the pyramid and is currently manned population. As for the accuracy of building the pyramid we find the average error in the length of its aspects does not exceed 1: 4000, and that the intervals between some of the stones does not exceed half a millimeter, which is not allowed to access their source code. Is it possible to build such precision and perfection to be built and forced coercion or that the spirit of satisfaction and the desire to creativity is the motive for such action ....

The burial chamber and the granite sarcophagus of King Khufu

Allowed Khufu to his family and his relatives and his senior staff in the administration of cemeteries in the eastern part of the Great Pyramid, where they found the Pyramids of Queens and the tombs of his brothers and others of them or of King Khufu and called (Hetepheres) and not without her own story of novelty when he found a well Necropolis blocked with stones without any building it and when they arrived to the cemetery and found their contents piled on top of each and the ark of alabaster closed cover, and the name of the queen and her husband, Bent written on the furniture, but they found a coffin free from the mummy, and explained one of the archaeologists that the matter is that the tomb of Queen original was in Dahshur near When the pyramid of her husband and little interest in that area and stole her grave, especially gold and jewelry and take the robbers, including the mummy of jewelry and gold and the discovery of theft, the guards ordered the transfer of the rest of the contents of the tomb quickly to the small well, which is not worthy of his property, such as Hetepheres and that the transfer of the coffin and put a cover it in that form is proof that they hid the theft is for King Cheops.

Papyrus describes the design calculations and drawings of the pyramid of the State Central

Of course, has the Great Pyramid without other than the stories and rumors since the foot and so far as he was hidden secrets of the universe or its association with the continent lost Atlantis, or even as before, some people who come for Hajj at the Great Pyramid, and others who have lost their minds and their ability to distinguish, however, is also clear evidence of the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians in geometry, arithmetic, astronomy and management systems.

Wait the Part 2.....