Sunday 20 February 2011

Temple of Karnak in Luxor

Largest and most important temples in Luxor area, a temple dedicated to the god Amon, who began the Pharaoh Seti the First built and completed by Ramses II, in addition to built temples that lasted until the first century AD 
Running the Temple of Karnak, the so-called village strongholds in the northern part of the city of Thebes (Luxor), and returns the famous Karnak to being in fact a group of temples, many built beginning of the Eleventh Dynasty around the year 2134 BC. M, when she was a good center for religion Egyptian. These temples surrounded by walls of brick connected to each other through the corridors guarded by statues stacked on two rows of the Sphinx
The area of the Temple of Amun, 140 square meters, is equipped with a huge hall with the roof of a mobile column of 122, up more than 21 meters and lined up in 9 rows, this is not the reliefs on the columns and the giant gates, and obelisks Is the greatest places of worship in history, and how not to and the work of construction which was ongoing for 1500 years, and named after the Islamic conquest .. Where Karnak means fort or fortified place, and the entrance to the temple is a road is filled with statues of the animal was a symbol of the power of the Pharaohs 

Has been the construction of the temple to be a home for the holy trinity of good. This trinity is composed of the god "Amun" and the meaning of his name (Hidden), and his wife "Mut" the mother, and son of God "Khun Sue" the god of the moon, which reflects the sky. The official is based in the Temple of Karnak, and then saw them to pay tribute to another temple in a suburb of "good" old gods to rest for a period of time, so they built the King, "Amenhotep III," this temple in Luxor. It was said that he had built on the ruins of an old house from the houses of worship
And thus became the Temple of Amun at Karnak is a palace official, also became the Temple of Luxor, which is spending his own house with his family a period of rest and recuperation in the specific date each year. The temple itself is located on the Corniche Road in front of the Nile. In the middle of the wall of the temple almost, there is a small door leading into the temple This is the portal dedicated to enter the temple now. It connects to the middle of the temple in the courtyard known as the yard, "Amenhotep III"
Temple area of about four acres, and has started to build the King, "Amenhotep III" from 1405 - 1370 BC, the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty. It has established most of the buildings, King Temple of Luxor, and that as we mentioned at the beginning of the modern to honor and worship holy trinity of good god "Amun", and the goddess "mut", and God "Khun Su."
Participated in the creation and establishment of this temple of "Tutankhamun" The Kings "any", and "Horemheb", and "City I", also held the King, "Ramses II" expansion in the temple. The Register "Tutankhamun" views procession "Holiday Shepenwepet" on the walls surrounding Bsfi wandering masters gallery, as well as a trip to "Amon" annual end at the Luxor.
It is no doubt that the temple was established place of an ancient temple of the Middle Kingdom, and began the King, "Thutmose III" (1500 BC). Construction of three chapels of the Trinity of "good" Sacred to the ruins of the ancient temple. The booths are still "Thutmose III" found in the courtyard of the King, "Ramses II" in the temple. But it was not known as a temple but in the era of the King, "Amenhotep III" which was built three-quarters
It is no doubt that the temple was established place of an ancient temple of the Middle Kingdom, and began the King, "Thutmose III" (1500 BC). Construction of three chapels of the Trinity of "good" Sacred to the ruins of the ancient temple. The booths are still "Thutmose III" found in the courtyard of the King, "Ramses II" in the temple. But it was not known as a temple but in the era of the King, "Amenhotep III" which was built three quarters. 

Installation of the temple and planning

King has established a "City I" Mslten it .. One of them still remain in place, and extends them to the front edifice, two rows of statues erected "Ramses II" in the form of "Sphinx", each having a ram head and the body of a lion. It is noted that under the chin, each a statue of the king himself. This is the way which they call "the road of rams." It is also noted that most construction has been in the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty, in the era of kings "Amenhotep II", and "Amenhotep III" in particular. However, modified, and expansions in the era of the Nineteenth Dynasty, in the reign of King "Ramses II" in particular.
There are also in the northwest corner of the courtyard three booths, prepared to house the sacred vessels of Trinity "good", built by the King, "City I" of the kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty, has decorated the walls of these chapels decorated with relief representing ships Almekdspmabd "Amun Ra" large] The temple is composed of the temple is located in the far eastern side. This niche has been prepared to save the statues of the god "Amun" and his family. This is known as the place "Bakds Deathly Hallows," which was shrouded in darkness! Then followed by an open courtyard flooded by daylight, and then ends with this great patio Besrah entrance is located between Berger. It was meant to be the final edifice is the interface of the temple, but the Kings, who led different then took one adds the other yards in the direction of the West. And ends each Besrah, until he became the temple of ten monuments! 

As this was not the space western enough, has tended Kings in the middle of the family-eighth session, the biggest family of the constructions at Karnak, turned to building courtyards and monuments to the south on a new axis spaced from the first axis of the temple, but was soon taken buildings from a new way first .. Ie to the west, and that in the era of the kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty onwards. And so inflated a group of buildings of this temple, and took a final-like character in the English language, but has a slant to one side any way and define this character ten Sorouh, also contains a number few of the courtyards and reception areas (the lobby of the collection). The front of the temple there is a great arena, where we see a raised platform in the middle, and it was a marina for private vessels in the temple one day, where the Nile was conducted in the past near 


Go back to talking about the edifice, which in the temple, "Amun Ra". It is the first edifice of the temple. One of the family work the twenty-second, but did not complete yet! Located between the twin towers of this edifice, which connects the entrance to the temple and leads to the first courtyard. Which they call a "yard Albobstiin" Bubastites .. Proportion to the kings of the "Tel Basta" .. A large courtyard inclusion of the two sides a row of columns in the form of papyrus. The strikethrough in the past "Josag Tharqp," which was composed of ten columns graceful filed by the King, "Tharqp" family of the twenty-fifth, in a column still standing. 

 sound and light shows in Karnak Temple

Show Times Daily
Performances begin with the sunset
Premiere: 6.30
Second presentation: 7.45
Third offer: 9
Display IV: 10:15

Now with pictures

Also this video photographer of the temple of Karnak